TEACH HUB » Login into Teach Hub

Login into Teach Hub

Dear Fannie Lou families,

Please follow these steps to login into Teach hub, the platform that we are using to access google classroom. Please remember that if you do not see any classes in google classroom it means that you are using the qwrong account. The account that you need to use should be [email protected]. Thank you!

Where and how to log on:

2. Log in using your NYCDOE ID and password

    • If you do not yet know your NYCDOE ID and password, please click here and follow the instructions provided, then go back to Step 1.

    • If you have tried the instructions above and still have trouble logging on, please call the school at 718-319-7270.

  • Once in Teach Hub, click on the “Middle School” button at the top of the page.

*NOTE: students should log in with a tablet/ipad or laptop. Cell phones might not support the software. 

  • Click on the “Google Classroom” app to open Google Classroom.

  • Join your grade’s Google Classroom and follow the schedule for the day.

  • Look for instructions on both LIVE activities with your teachers and classmates as well as activities to complete on your own!